New Years Resolutions

Rendering of the new project

As I write this post, I recognize that I need to do a better job of keeping this space updated. I have thought about it several times, but updating the blog tends to be something that gets “pushed to the bottom of the list” on a busy day. I usually refrain from making any type of resolutions each year because I know I am just setting myself up for failure. I like to set goals instead, and this year, I am setting the goal to update this blog at least once a month and hoping to do so more frequently than this. I hope to give our families a reason to check this section of our website. This post is about something we have been working on most of the fall semester.

Several weeks ago a zoning ordinance notice was placed right in front of our school (It was a large green sign). Some of you may have noticed and wondered what was happening. Our next area of focus for improvement is our main entrance. For those of you who have been around Brainerd Baptist School very long know, this has only been our main entrance for two years. In the summer of 2020 we completed the largest construction project in our school’s history. We built a new library, STEM, and Learning Center (called The Hub), a new upper school office, new classrooms, and new administrative offices. This project created a new main entrance for students and parents. Our next project will focus on the outside of the new entrance and specifically targets student safety during drop-off and pick-up, better access to our building (including ADA access) from our parking lot, and the overall aesthetic appearance of the space. I describe these areas of focus in detail below.

Rendering of newly designed canopy

  • Safety - This has been a concern of ours that predates the school office moving to this area. If you have ever participated in drop-off or pick-up, you know how busy this space is. There are a lot of adults, children, and staff trying to get children in or out of cars. Additionally, the crosswalk leads into a space that can often be dangerous as well. Parents may sometimes be watching their child(ren) walk into the building and not always see school families walking in front of their vehicle. The new design addresses these issues as there will be a dedicated walkway that directs parents to a space in the center. Additionally, a new sidewalk will be poured that will tie into the existing sidewalk that runs around the property.

  • Functionality - If you have ever witnessed drop-off on a rainy morning - you know how difficult it is. We try to get two cars under the canopy at the same time so children do not get wet, and the reality is, there is simply not enough space to do this safely. Cars (SUVs!) are much larger now than when the canopy was built 50+ years ago. The new drop-off will be much wider allowing up to 4 SUVs to pull under a covered space at one time. It will also be several feet higher, allowing larger vehicles to pass under the space. We have had multiple occasions where vehicles have gotten stuck under the canopy. Additionally, we will be extending our portico to the end of the building. This will also provide cover for children to be loaded and unloaded at the corner of the building, helping speed up the drop-off and pick-up process. We are also redesigning the way parents pull into the space. Currently, there is an island at the Mayfair entrance, and a large gas meter by the building that makes it difficult for larger vehicles to turn into the drop-off zone. The new design will make it much easier (and hopefully quicker) for parents to navigate this space. 

  • Updated Appearance - Because this is now the main entrance for our current and prospective families, it is also important that this space look nice. The new updates will not only address safety and functionality concerns, but they will also make the space look nicer and will tie in with the architecture on the other side of the building. These updates will also be noticeable for new families arriving on campus for the first time.

This project was recently approved by the zoning commission in early December and our civil engineers are working with the traffic division of the city for approval of the project. We will start applying for permits in the spring with our goal of starting this project in June and completing construction over the summer and having these improvements in place for when school starts back in August.

We are still fundraising for this project. If you would like to learn more, I will be happy to provide more details. We are grateful for families that have already committed to this project and are looking for a couple of more families that would like to help fund a project that will have a major impact on our school community for many years to come.

Sean Corcoran