New Outdoor Classroom Space

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had multiple parents ask, “What are you doing up by the garden?” While we have used this space as an outdoor classroom for many years, COVID has encouraged us to be more intentional in the creation of an area where students could gather outside. Nurse Adams and Mr. Kane began working on formalizing a plan back in the fall. Over the past few months things began to fall in place. We still have some work to do, but are excited about the opportunities this will provide for our students.


Below, Mr. Kane talks about the philosophy of and future opportunities for this space.

How has COVID-19 pushed our school to be resilient and creative? One way is our venture into the construction of an outdoor classroom space. Children need to be able to move, breath fresh air, and experience nature. It was our desire to create an interactive and simple outdoor area where they can do just that! 

Numerous research articles talk about the benefits of getting students outdoors (something we have done for many years at BBS). We know that students thrive when they interact with nature. An outdoor space allows for movement, hands-on learning, and engaging lessons. Students tend to be more attentive and have the chance to learn using their senses. Famous architect Frank Loyd Wright said it best with this quote, “I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day’s work.”

This Outdoor Classroom project currently incorporates our garden area and in the future, we are planning to establish additional outdoor learning spaces as well. We are looking forward to students and teachers being able to use these areas. At Brainerd Baptist School, we focus on developing the whole child: mind, body, and spirit. 

What’s new in this space for Spring 2021

  • Tree-stump seating for an entire class

  • Teaching space with a covered whiteboard as a focal point

  • Clean & dry landscaping to define classroom area (railroad ties and pine straw)

Future plans for additions:

  • 2nd classroom space

  • Improved green spaces

  • Outdoor art project

  • Refresh garden and shed

We cannot create spaces like this without the help and support of many!  We want to say “thank you” to BBS parent Brian Martin from Martin Building and Construction for donating the supplies and equipment used in the construction of the teaching space. We also want to thank you to our Board of Trustees who covered the cost of the railroad ties and pine straw with their generous support. Last but not least, we thank Jessi Oates at DXPrinting and former BBS parent Donald Kane (Mr. Kane’s dad!) for donating the sign and white-board.

Sean Corcoran