Learning IS Fun at BBS!

If you follow our school on social media, you have undoubtedly seen the #learningisfunatbbs hashtag at the end of posts on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. I wish I could tell you that the creation and implementation of the hashtag were developed in some well-thought-out planning session, but that is not the case. I literally used it one time as a hashtag that was describing something fun happening on our campus, and it has grown from there to hundreds of social media posts from there. Our teachers take great pride in making learning fun each day.

Tomorrow, we are going to do something we have never done before with students, and it is going to be A LOT of fun! We are taking our first-ever international trip with students to Costa Rica. Our hope is that this will be the first of many international offerings and will happen every other year so all students will have the opportunity to travel internationally at least once in their 4th or 5th-grade years. This trip was the brainchild of Ms. Connell. She spends considerable time in class teaching our students about various cultures around the world, and now is offering them the chance to go experience the culture first hand.
Our itinerary includes a canal tour, touring a school where our students will be able to see how students there learn, visiting the Tortuguero National Park, a Red-eyed tree frog night walk, visiting hot springs, visiting Tenorio National Volcano Park, a horseback ride, as well as many other things. Our trip will start on the Gulf of Mexico in Tortuguero and students (and parents!) will trek across the country will conclude in Guanacaste on the Pacific Ocean.

I have been able to travel to many different parts of the world and am a strong believer that there is a strong educational AND spiritual benefit for children to see the world at an early age. We hope you are able to follow along via social media (Instagram and Facebook) as we share highlights from the trip. We also hope that some of you will be joining us on our next trip with your child where you can experience that learning REALLY is fun at Brainerd Baptist School!

Sean Corcoran